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The Lutheran Schools EBA Agreement of 2012: What You Need to Know

If you`re involved in the administration or management of a Lutheran school in Australia, chances are you`re aware of the Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA) that regulates many aspects of employment within the sector. One of the most significant EBAs in recent years was the Lutheran Schools EBA Agreement of 2012.

So, what does this agreement entail? Let`s take a closer look at some of its key provisions.

Wages and conditions

Perhaps the most significant aspect of any EBA is the wages and conditions it sets out for employees. The 2012 Lutheran Schools EBA Agreement includes provisions for a number of areas, including:

– Minimum salaries: The EBA sets out minimum salaries for all employees, with different levels depending on the employee`s classification and level of experience. For example, a Level 1 teacher with less than one year of experience must be paid at least $49,018 per year.

– Leave entitlements: The agreement also outlines various types of leave entitlements, including annual leave, personal leave, and long service leave.

– Superannuation: Employers are required to contribute to employees` superannuation accounts at a rate of 12% of their ordinary time earnings.

Workload and class sizes

Another important area covered by the 2012 Lutheran Schools EBA Agreement is workload and class sizes. This includes provisions such as:

– Maximum teaching loads: The agreement sets out maximum teaching loads for different levels of teachers, with a maximum of 20 periods per week for Level 1 teachers.

– Class sizes: Employers must ensure that class sizes do not exceed certain limits, such as 27 students in primary schools and 22 in secondary schools.

– Planning and preparation time: Teachers are entitled to a certain amount of planning and preparation time each week, depending on their level of experience.

Professional development

Finally, the 2012 Lutheran Schools EBA Agreement includes provisions for professional development, which is essential for ensuring that teachers and other staff members are able to keep up with best practices and new developments in education. Some of the key provisions include:

– Time for professional development: Teachers are entitled to a certain amount of time for professional development each year, with higher levels of entitlement for more experienced teachers.

– Professional development allowance: Employers must provide a professional development allowance to assist teachers with the costs associated with attending conferences, workshops, and other training opportunities.

– Learning and teaching program: Schools must develop a learning and teaching program that includes opportunities for professional development.

In conclusion, the 2012 Lutheran Schools EBA Agreement is a comprehensive document that covers a wide range of areas related to employment within the sector. Whether you`re a teacher, school administrator, or other staff member, it`s important to be familiar with the provisions of this agreement in order to ensure that you`re receiving fair wages and conditions and that your school is meeting its obligations as an employer.